Diablo 2 Cow Level Not Working
Diablo 2 Cow Level Not Working 3,3/5 7523 votes

Diablo 2 Cow Level Not Working On Computer
Just remember u just need to kill diablo in each specific difficulty u want to cow if u only have diablo 2, and u must kill baal to get the cow in that specific difficulty for lord of destruction.
'Leads to a place that does not exist. The Burning Hells are not responsible for events that transpire there. If you claim to have been to this place, you will be called a liar. Void where prohibited.' — Portal flavor text The Not The Cow Level is a secret level in Diablo III, first implemented. Mar 2, 2016 - It's a special version of the famous Cow level and players found it. Here's a video by YouTuber MadTom showing the process. Not know, Kevin was a talented and dedicated member of the Diablo III. 2/20/17 11:30am.